Is There a Link Between Bipolar Disorder and Creativity?

Obviously, it has been my subjective experience that there is, indeed, a link between affective disorders and creativity. That is, after all, why I created this magazine ten years ago. Is there quantifiable evidence of such a link? Many neurobiologists have made this claim over the years. This article by a student at Bryn Mawr makes a compelling argument:


Filed under Art, Bipolar Disorder, Creativity, Depression, Literary pieces, Mental Health Reference, Music, Poetry, Writing

2 responses to “Is There a Link Between Bipolar Disorder and Creativity?

  1. Interesting article. I don’t suffer from Bi-Polar disorder but I do suffer from Anxiety/Depression and I’ve always been attractive to the creative side of things. Thanks for sharing this article

  2. Thank you, AJ, for posting. I do find that many people with any of the affective disorders (depression, bipolar I and II, and schizoaffective disorder) tend to be creative individuals. That is not to say that all persons with affective disorders are creative, or that all creative persons have an affective disorder. There is just a statistically significant relationship between the two.

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